Stages and Treatment

  1. Stage I: The cancer is confined to the lung  It has not spread to the lymph nodes or any other organs in the body. At this stage, surgery may be the main treatment option.
  2. Stage II: The cancer is located in the lung where it started and may or may not have growninto the lung’s linings, chest wall, heart lining and phrenic  Stage II tumours can be removed surgically, but often chemotherapy and radiotherapy will also be required.
  3. Stage III: The cancer has spread within the chest cavity but has not spread to other organsof the These tumours are often inoperable; and the main treatment will be chemotherapy and/or radiation.
  4. Stage IV: The cancer has spread to distant parts of the body through the bloodstream or the lymphatic system. Lung cancer is likely to spread to the bones, liver and adrenal glands.In this stage; surgery is not an option, rather chemotherapy and radiotherapy are the main treatment