Esophageal cancer

Results when abnormal cells grow out of control forming a growth(tumour) in the tube that connects the mouth to the stomach.
Esophageal cancer is the 4th commonest cancer in both sexes in Kenya. Mortality rate and the incidence rates are almost equal at 18.4% (GLOBOCAN, 2018)

A risk factor is anything that increases the chances of getting a disease. Having a risk factor does not necessarily mean you will get esophageal cancer.

In early disease there may be no symptoms hence it is advisable to have regular. Symptoms of esophageal cancer screening…

Esophagogastroduodenoscopy-EGD is the best initial confirmatory test to confirm a mass or any abnormality in the oesophagus.

Treatment for esophageal cancer can be curative or palliative(symptoms control)

There is no standard or routine screening test for esophageal cancer