Risk factors and causes

A risk factor is anything that increases the chances of getting a disease. Having a risk factor does not necessarily mean you will get cervical cancer.

Risk factors for Cervical Cancer Include: 

1. Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection 

HPV infection is common and in most cases people clear the virus without problems.  It is however the most important risk factor for cervical cancer. The HPV16 and HPV18 are most frequently associated with cervical cancer and most people become infected when they become sexually active.

Starting to have sex at an earlier age or having multiple sexual partners increases the risk of being infected with high-risk HPV types.

2. Immune system deficiency. 

People with lowered immune systems have a higher risk of developing cervical cancer. Examples may include corticosteroid medications, organ transplantation, treatments for other cancers, or HIV infection.

3. Sexually transmitted infections like Genital herpes and chlamydia infections. 

4. Smoking. 

5. Socioeconomic factors – Cervical cancer is more common among low-income households.

6. Prolonged use Oral contraceptives and Exposure to diethylstilbestrol (DES).